Thursday, April 01, 2010

Tricky Fourth

I can't put it off much longer. Camper Van Blues, my third poetry collection, came out in late 2008, in an absolutely gorgeous hardback edition, but alas, it's now spring 2010 and I really ought to be putting some new poems together and considering how my fourth collection will shape up.

I doubt that it will be ready to publish within twelve months. I've been working almost exclusively on prose for the past six months, and new poems have been a little thin on the ground. But mid-late 2011 or sometime during 2012 would suit me fine as a publication date. That would give me a good year to build up a core of individual poems for my fourth, without putting undue pressure on me to spin them out too rapidly, but equally it won't be so long since my last collection that people have entirely forgotten who I am.

Besides, I'm sure poetry books must sell better if the poet isn't constantly chucking new collections out to a less than enthused readership.


Bo said...

You look very presidential in that picture!! xx

Jane Holland said...

That's exactly what Steve said. He said 'You look like you're running for President!'

Being now in the middle way of life, this may be a good time to look presidential. Rather than, say, a bag lady? ;)


Unknown said...

Jane for president! I'd vote for you :)

Jane Holland said...

Thanks, Barbara. If I ever need someone to run my campaign for me ...