Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Billy Collins, review at Tower Poetry

Just flagging up my review of former US Poet Laureate Billy Collins' latest collection on Tower Poetry.


Andrew Shields said...

It's impossible to review Collins like that in the US anymore, because the people who despise his poems (hate is not a strong enough word) always have to be responded to if you want to praise him.

Ron Winkler translated BC into German, and I wrote him to ask him what he thought of the criticisms of Collins in the US, and he said he had not heard about them! I sent him a link or two, and he was quite puzzled by the vehemence of the criticisms.

Jane Holland said...

Yes, I'm aware of the strength of feeling against his work in the US. Indeed, I seem to recall touching on it briefly in the review. But I say as I see, regardless of that kind of unpleasant crap. There are too many people stabbing each other in the back in poetry as it is. Why join their ranks?

Good to see you here!
